Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Riguref's Ship and The Lunar Temple (2.0)

By Sir Baggiepants
Date: 07-31-2008
Version: 2.0




Rigurefs Ship and the Lunar Temple (V2)
-By Sir Baggiepants



Introduction: This is the second map of what I call "Riguref's Ship and the Lunar Temple (V2)" Which I wanted to call "Travels of the Zephlin" but I realized I couldn't because this truely is a second version. However, I remade everything. The ships body no longer looks like a serenity rip off and is now a less common body shape as far as I know. The ship is called the Zephlin because it does look a little bit like a blimp (At least, that's what my little brother thought when he saw it.) and is alot bigger than the previous version's ship. Also their is a lunar temple on this map. The artifact hidden within this temple does not exactly have anything to do with the moon, but I think the temple itself looks very moonish. Still not an incredible map, but as always, I am progressively getting better.


Things to know: A few things you might want to know, for one, all the doors on this map are opened by pressing your use button. (By default "R".) You will spawn in Rigurefs ship. (Also known as the Zephlin.) The second thing is that the ship no longer lands within a courtyard. Now the ship doesn't land at all. If you go to the top floor of the ship and run to the end of the hall, you'll find two circular rooms. If you run into the one to your left you will be teleported to another circular room located at the lunar temple courtyard. The doors of the teleporters are small so it takes a little practice before one can run through them without any problems. Please note that their are two secret areas in this map. Also there are always two ways up and down a level of the ship. But I created it so one can only go one way through certain stairs so that trafic doesn't become clogged.

Special Thanks: I thank anyone who pointed out any flaws in my maps and gave comments (negative or positive) about them. I also thank the jk3 files team who somehow manage to upload alot of files in what little spare time they may have. I also thank them for knowing the difference between critiquing and Criticizing. And I thank the reviewer of the first version of this map who pointed out alot of things which lead to me making this map. (Stuff like the lack of sound effects in the previous version.) I also thank the author of serenity who's map I did look at in order to figure out how to apply sound to doors properly. Also, I used that map to see how big the invisible steps for the ladders should be.


Installation: Simply unzip the "Rship&LtempleV2" zip file and place "rship<empleV2.pk3" in your JKA/Gamedata/base folder.


Known Bugs or Issues: I made the circle for the pool far too large, so their is some wierd lines you can see in the water. If you find any other issues, feel free to Email them to me, or post them on my website.


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